Contact to us

We have short wait at the clinic so that you can get in as quick as possible!

We are always open for questions.

Medical specialist in psychiatry and psychology, specialist in clinical psychology

Ulrichsen's Clinic in Østerbro, Copenhagen, is a private psychiatric and psychological clinic. You cannot be referred to us via your own doctor, and you can read more about prices, reimbursement and public health service group 2. Our waiting time for treatment is short.

Our psychiatrists and psychologists work together to provide effective treatment of the following conditions: 

We receive patients from anywhere in Denmark.

Make an appointment with our psychiatrist or psychologist

You are welcome to call us at 38 28 88 72 or send us a message on

Please note that our telephone hours are from 9 to 12.​

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Tæt på Sortedams Søen

 Østerbrogade 62, 4. tv.

2100 København Ø​

Telefon 38 28 88 72

Telefontid mellem 9 og 12.

Adress: Østerbrogade 62, 4. tv., 2100 København Ø

38 28 88 72

Call us 

Message us via p-boks